Voici un script qui automatise la mise à jour des agents SCOM lors d’un upgrade de version de la plateforme ou quand un agent a été installé manuellement et /ou avec une version antérieure à celle actuelle.
Il suffit de créer un fichier TXT avec la liste des agents à modifier et lancer le script ci-dessous.
Cela facilite le travail de maintenance quand on n’a un grand nombre d’agents et quand on veut faire des vagues de mise à jour.
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#======================================================================= # NAME: Opsmgr 2012 Agent approval # Created by M.JERBI # # Requirements: Module Operation manager 2012R2 # TXT file with the list of agents which must be updated # # # COMMENT: This script is designed to approve Opsmgr 2012 Agents after an update of the plateform. # #======================================================================= $MS= $null $credential = $null $result = @() #Creation of output file $ScriptPath = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition $CurrentDate = Get-Date -format yyyyMMdd_hhmmss $ResultFile = $ScriptPath+"\"+ $CurrentDate + "_scom_agent_update_result.csv" #Function declaration #-------------GET FILE NAME Function Get-FileName($initialDirectory) { [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.windows.forms") | Out-Null $OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog $OpenFileDialog.initialDirectory = $initialDirectory $OpenFileDialog.filter = "Text files (*.TXT)|*.TXT" $OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() | Out-Null $OpenFileDialog.filename if ($OpenFileDialog.filename -eq "") { Write-Host "file not found" -BackgroundColor Red exit } } #------------TEST CREDENTIALS Function Test-ADCredentials { $userdomain = $cred.username -split '\\' Add-Type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement $ct = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain $pc = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext($ct, $userdomain[0]) $psw = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ UserName = $userdomain[1]; IsValid = $pc.ValidateCredentials($userdomain[1],($cred.GetNetworkCredential().password).ToString()) } return $psw } #---------- APPROVE SCOM PENDING MANAGEMENT Function Approve-SCOMpendingagent { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$false)] $Management_server, $server, $credential ) if ($credential -ne $null) { if ($testcred.isvalid -ne $true) { $cred = Get-Credential -Credential $credential $testcred = Test-ADCredentials $cred If($testcred.isvalid -eq $false) { Write-Host -BackgroundColor red "Bad password" return } } } #Variables $agents_to_be_update = @() if ($server -ne $null) {$MS = $server} #Get the list of agents which must be updated $Inputfile = Get-FileName "c:\" $targets_to_update = Get-Content $Inputfile $ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue" #Import PowerShell Modules import-module OperationsManager #Connect to OpsMgr Management Group New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName $MS #Get the list of agent which need to be updated $agents_to_be_update = (Get-SCOMPendingManagement | select-object agentname) #checking if the target is in the list of agent which need to be updated foreach ($target_to_update in $targets_to_update) { #If the target is in the list of agent which need to be updated if ($agents_to_be_update -match $target_to_update ) { $erroraction = $null try { if ($credential -ne $null) { Get-SCOMPendingManagement | where {$_.AgentName -eq $target_to_update} | Approve-SCOMPendingManagement -Verbose -ActionAccount $cred} else { Get-SCOMPendingManagement | where {$_.AgentName -eq $target_to_update} | Approve-SCOMPendingManagement -Verbose } } catch { $erroraction = $_.Exception.Message write-host $target_to_update $erroraction -ForegroundColor red $result = $target_to_update +";" +$erroraction |Out-File -FilePath $ResultFile -Append } # Test if the agent has correctly patched if ($erroraction -eq $null) { $test_after_push = Get-SCOMPendingManagement | where {$_.AgentName -eq $target_to_update} if ($test_after_push -ne $false) { $result = $target_to_update +"; error during the agent update process" |Out-File -FilePath $ResultFile -Append write-host $target_to_update $erroraction "error during the agent update process" -ForegroundColor red } Else { write-host -ForegroundColor green $target_to_update "has been updated" $result = $target_to_update +"; has been updated" |Out-File -FilePath $ResultFile -Append } } } #If the target isn't in the list of agent which need to be updated else { write-host -ForegroundColor magenta $target_to_update " no need to be update"|Out-File -FilePath $ResultFile -Append $result= $target_to_update +";"+" no need to be update" } } } |